Words I’ve come across that I wrote down either because I had to look them up or I just liked them:
- abeyance
- abstruse
- accession
- adumbrate
- adventitious
- adze
- alacrity
- alienist
- alluvium
- amanuensis
- ambit
- amour propre
- amphora
- anaclitic
- analgesia
- anneal
- anodyne
- anteroom
- anticline
- antinomy
- antiquarian
- aperçu
- apposite
- armature
- arquebus
- arriviste
- arrogate
- asperity
- asphodel
- assay
- assiduous
- assignation
- assize
- assizes
- aureole
- autotelic
- avidity
- bannock
- bas-relief
- belvedere
- benighted
- benison
- bibulous
- biddable
- biggity
- billet
- bivouac
- blithe
- bollard
- bower
- bravura
- breveted
- brickbat
- brimful
- brougham
- bumptious
- burnish
- bursary
- caique
- caisson
- caliginous
- calomel
- cambric
- caravansary
- catafalque
- catamaran
- catkin
- cavil
- chaparral
- chatelaine
- chiastic
- chicory
- cloudburst
- coffle
- combe
- commissionaire
- complaisant
- concupiscent
- consistory
- cordillera
- coriaceous
- corslet
- coruscate
- corybantic
- cosseted
- countermine
- craquelure
- crepitate
- croupier
- cultivar
- dandled
- daubed
- debouchment
- decant
- declivities
- decoct
- delectation
- dell
- delusive
- demimonde
- demotic
- depredation
- deracinate
- desiderata
- desideratum
- despond
- desultory
- dhow
- diaphanous
- diffidence
- diktats
- dingle
- dingle
- dissimulate
- dovecot
- down
- downs
- doyen
- draggle
- dragooned
- dray
- drumlin
- dubiety
- dudgeon
- easeful
- easement
- eclogue
- ecumenical
- effusion
- emend
- empyrean
- enfilade
- entre nous
- envisage
- epigone
- equipoise
- escapement
- escarpment
- etiolated
- euphuistic
- evince
- ewer
- expiate
- expiation
- expropriation
- eyot
- factotum
- farrier
- fascicle
- fastness
- febrile
- festal
- festoon
- fettle
- field-dressed
- fifth column
- flocculence
- footpad
- foretaste
- freshet
- frontispiece
- froward
- fructuate
- fug
- fulminate
- fulsome
- gaffed
- gainsay
- gazetteer
- gill
- gimcrack
- glabrous
- glaucous
- glen
- gnomic
- gravid
- greensward
- greenwood
- gully
- guttersnipe
- habitué
- hansom
- hauberk
- hauteur
- hawser
- headlands
- hearse
- heath
- hibernacle
- hidebound
- hieratic
- hillock
- hollow
- hostler
- hugger-mugger
- hyacinthine
- hymnody
- hypotyposis
- hyssop
- ictus
- illumine
- imbricate
- immanent
- imperious
- implacable
- importune
- impresario
- incarnadine
- incipient
- ineluctable
- ingenue
- inimical
- inkhorn
- inquest
- inspiriting
- instar
- intaglio
- internecine
- inveigle
- invidious
- involution
- irascible
- irresolute
- janissary
- jubilee
- labile
- laity
- lambent
- landau
- lanugo
- lapidary
- lassitude
- licentiate
- limn
- limpid
- locution
- loosestrife
- louche
- lubricious
- lupine
- lupines
- macadam
- manqué
- maquette
- martinet
- mead
- mere (as noun)
- meretricious
- mesmeric
- midden
- mien
- milliner
- mimesis
- mirific
- missals
- moldering
- monograph
- moraine
- mordant
- morganatic
- moue
- multivalent
- needful
- neurasthenia
- nomological
- nostalgie de la boue
- obduracy
- oblation
- obtrude
- oleaginous
- oneiric
- opprobrium
- orotund
- orthoepy
- ostensive
- palfrey
- palliative
- panegyric
- parvenu
- pavonine
- peaceable
- pellucid
- peremptory
- peripatetic
- peripeteia
- perspicacious
- perspicacity
- pertinacity
- phaeton
- phatic
- picaroon
- pile (a group of buildings)
- pinion
- plage
- plaits
- plangent
- pleonasm
- plinth
- politesse
- postillion
- postprandial
- predicant
- preponderant
- primus inter pares
- proa
- probity
- propinquity
- propitious
- propound
- protean
- provender
- psalter
- psaltery
- pudicity
- quodlibet
- quondam
- raffish
- rasher
- rebarbative
- recherché
- reclude
- recondite
- recreant
- rectitude
- rede
- redound
- refectory
- refulgent
- renormalization
- repine
- replevin
- rhapsode
- ricercar
- rill
- rivulets
- roadstead
- rootstock
- ruction
- rufous
- russet
- sallow
- sanpan
- scintilla
- scree
- scrieve
- sedge
- sedge
- sedulous
- sessile
- sesterce
- signally
- silvicultural
- sirocco
- slipperlick
- soi-disant
- solecism
- solicitous
- sop
- sorehead
- sortie
- spandrel
- spartina
- spendthrift
- spinney
- splenetic
- squab
- squamation
- stanhope
- stentorian
- stoker
- stolid
- straitened
- striated
- strychnine
- styptic
- sulky (as noun)
- supernumerary
- suppurating
- surrey
- sustentation
- sward
- swivet
- sybaritic
- syncretism
- syndics
- tanglefoot
- tendentious
- thalweg
- thoroughgoing
- thrawn
- threnody
- timbrel
- toadyism
- tocsin
- topophilia
- townland
- traduce
- trenchant
- trice
- truculence
- turbid
- turpitude
- tussock
- tutelary
- undertaking
- unguent
- untrammelled
- uplands
- uxurious
- vade mecum
- valise
- variorum
- vastation
- vatic
- verve
- vestry
- viand
- viatic
- viceroy
- victoria
- virga
- vitiate
- vitreous
- voluble
- weal
- weltschmerz
- wold
- woolgathering
- writhen