
June 2023 media

  • Remap Radio: Losing Waypoint Radio felt like a devastating blow to my podcast subscriptions, so I was very glad to hear that the folks behind it had a new enterprise planned. So far Remap is largely more of the same—podcasts focused on video games with the occasional episode on film or television or sports, plus some Twitch streams—but I’m perfectly happy with that. They’ve mentioned they hope to find their way back to written content someday too, which would be great.

  • Shelved by Genre: Another podcast! This is a new Ranged Touch joint that fills the gap left by Homestuck Made This World; for the first batch of episodes they’re reading Gene Wolfe’s The Book of the New Sun, but their intent is to continue on with other genre fiction afterwards. As much as I love listening to Cameron and Michael, the real highlight for me is getting another podcast with Austin Walker, in my opinion one of the best to ever do it.

  • Street Fighter 6: I’ve barely touched Street Fighter since the 90s, making me exactly the sort of lapsed casual player that Capcom was hoping to attract with this game. And it worked! I’m never going to put in the time to become a competitive powerhouse, but I’m having enough fun exercising my decades-old muscle memory in the single-player modes. It just feels right having one of these around to mess with, like it does for Mario Kart or The Sims.